100 Kosakata Bahasa Tionghoa Sehari-Hari
100 Kosakata Bahasa Cina Sehari-Hari
Huruf Mandarin (hanzi).
Sapaan atau Salam dalam bahasa Mandarin
Nǐ hǎo! dibaca Ni hao! artinya Halo atau Apa kabar.
Hǎojiǔ bújiàn. dibaca HaoCiuBuCien artinya Lama tak berjumpa.
zǎoshang hǎo. dibaca CaoShangHao artinya Selamat pagi.
早 安
Zǎo ān. dibaca CaoAn. artinya Selamat pagi.
Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? dibaca NiCiaoShenMeMingChe? artinya Siapakah nama Anda?
我叫 ...
WǒJiào ... dibaca WoCiao ... Saya bernama ...
Zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn. dibaca CheSheWoTeMingPien. artinya Ini kartu nama saya.
Berterimakasih atau Bersyukur
Xièxie nǐ! dibaca SieSieNi!
Terima kasih.
Fēicháng gǎnxiè!
Terima kasih banyak.
Bú yòng xiè!
Tidak perlu berterimakasih.
kamus bahasa daerah
Monday, March 30, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Learning English - 001
How to tell the time
The names of days (Nama-nama hari)
The Months of the Year
The Seasons
Fashion and clothes
At the Airport
Informal and formal introducing
Daylight Saving Time
Reserve a table for dinner
How to tell the time
The names of days (Nama-nama hari)
The Months of the Year
The Seasons
Fashion and clothes
At the Airport
Informal and formal introducing
Daylight Saving Time
Reserve a table for dinner
Software Kamus English
Kamus Plus
SatuVISI Indict
Kamus bahasa inggris Ebsoft
IndoDic E-dictionary
Persada Translator dan Transliterator V4.1
Acuan Bahasa
Sunossdict v2.0
Kamus Mr DJ V1
Free Dictionaries-FreeDict
XDXF - XML Dictionary Exchange Format
ABBYY Lingvo .dsl dictionary files *.lsd
Babylon .bgl dictionary files
StarDict (.ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn) dictionaries
Universal dictionary dicts.info
Ultimate dictionary creative side
dictd format dictionaries - dictinfo.com
SatuVISI Indict
Kamus bahasa inggris Ebsoft
IndoDic E-dictionary
Persada Translator dan Transliterator V4.1
Acuan Bahasa
Sunossdict v2.0
Kamus Mr DJ V1
Multilingual Dictionary
LingoPad is a free offline dictionary for Windows.Free Dictionaries-FreeDict
XDXF - XML Dictionary Exchange Format
ABBYY Lingvo .dsl dictionary files *.lsd
Babylon .bgl dictionary files
StarDict (.ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn) dictionaries
Universal dictionary dicts.info
Ultimate dictionary creative side
dictd format dictionaries - dictinfo.com
Software Kamus Arab
- Kamus Bahasa Arab v2.0 oleh Kang Asep Hibbaniy
- Kamus-Arab-Indonesia-AlMunawwir
Kamus Bahasa Arab v2.0 oleh Kang Asep Hibbaniy
must setting arabic on windows XP
Software Kamus jepang
universal / multilingual
Anki - Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy.Mnemosyne Project
Rincevent - totorotimes
Japanese Dictionary
- Ace Kanji Workout
- dictionary by KingSoft
- eJEDI Eng - Jap Dictionary
- Excel@Japanese
- Kaijin Dictionary
- Wakan Dictionary
- GoNaomi Chinese-English
- JISHOP - Japanese-English kanji dictionary - trial period of 30 days
- Kamus Mr.DJ v.2.00
- JDrill - Kanji learning program
- JE Eyes is a free Japanese-English bidirectional dictionary for Windows
- JLPTvocab 1.0 - Nicolas Fournel- A program that will help users review the Japanese vocabulary required to pass the JLPT level 3 and 4 exams
- JFC Flash cards - It is good flash card program to learn vocabulary, particle, kanji and grammar.
- Kanji Gold is a free flexible MS Windows(TM) flash card program for learning Japanese Kanji.
- MB Japanese Kanji - MysticBoard
- NihonDrill - It's a simple "game" that will (hopefully) help in the learning of the Japanese language.
- POPtrans - postmeta
- JQuickTrans - postmeta
- JWPce - Japanese Text Editor and Dictionary
- zkanji - Japanese Language Study Suite
- Tagaini Jisho | A free Japanese dictionary and study assistant
- postmeta Kanji trainer pen pen
- KanaQuiz - Learn Japanese kana
- KanjiVG - kanji’s SVG files ( xml images for web 2.0 ) - tagaini
- ihatekanji Hating Kanji
- Kana Trainer
- KanaSensei
- Kana Puddle
- KanjiGymLight - is a tool based on Java.
- Kanji Trainer
- Makoto Chan's Dictionary マコトチャン
- Nihongo Flash - Japanese Flash Cards
- Rikaichan is a popup Japanese-English/German/French/Russian dictionary tool for Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey.
- 文具(wenju) - Writing Tools
commercial Translation Software / Translation shareware
- Babylon Translator: Japanese: language translator written by an Israeli company; the translator’s database contains over 3 million words and expressions, and is periodically updated through Babylon’s web site.
- MultiTranse: translates from Japanese into English if Japanese characters are used, it cannot translate Romaji; US$19.95
- The Honyaku Series: provides Japanese to English and English to Japanese translations of web pages and text documents without losing the original format or graphics. It extracts the text section from the HTML file and replaces the original Japanese text with the resulting translation (Windows 2000, XP, Vista).
- Tsunami MT: English-to-Japanese machine translation software; works on all OLE 2.0 compatible applications (MS Word, Excel etc.), drag-and-drop function; for Windows 95 and NT.
- Typhoon MT: Japanese-to-English translation assistance system, ideal for daily correspondences and interoffice communications; includes KanjiReader, email ability, dictionary etc.; for Windows 95 and NT
Small Java applet that facilitates the learning of Japanese kanas.
Wakan Dictionary
System requirements :
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Japanese and Chinese fonts installed (recommended are: MS Mincho, MS
Gothic, SimSun and MingLiU from Windows XP or Internet Explorer)
128 MB RAM recommended
at least 800×600 resolution (1024×768 strongly recommended)
QJDicExampledatabase JMdict, JMnedict, Radkfilex, Kanjidic2, KanjiVG, Tanaka Corpus / Tatoeba untuk penerjemahan dan perpustakaan pengenalan zinnia untuk pengenalan tulisan tangan kanji.
Advanced word / name/ kanji / sentence search
Example sentences with readings, detailed word information etc
Kanji player showing stroke order, elements and subelements
Generation of Stroke Order Diagrams
Kanji lookup by drawing recognition / radical / elements / stroke count etc
Export of search results / details to html
Systray tooltip showing translation of words from clipboard and/or global clipboard aka mouse selection (on systems that support it)
Small popup window for making quick translation
Customizable interface (fonts & dialog colors & css style sheets)
Advanced update engine: can download source files (or use local source directory) and build databases, download pre-built databases (from rev 157)
Requirements: Windows (All Version)
License: Open Source
Kana to Kanji - Quiz
A free software to learn hiragana, katakana and kanji.
Kana to Kanji - Quiz is a free software to learn Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. However, this software is currently only available in French.
Kanjis are only available with different packs to add. Notice to install inside.
QJDicExampledatabase JMdict, JMnedict, Radkfilex, Kanjidic2, KanjiVG, Tanaka Corpus / Tatoeba untuk penerjemahan dan perpustakaan pengenalan zinnia untuk pengenalan tulisan tangan kanji.
Advanced word / name/ kanji / sentence search
Example sentences with readings, detailed word information etc
Kanji player showing stroke order, elements and subelements
Generation of Stroke Order Diagrams
Kanji lookup by drawing recognition / radical / elements / stroke count etc
Export of search results / details to html
Systray tooltip showing translation of words from clipboard and/or global clipboard aka mouse selection (on systems that support it)
Small popup window for making quick translation
Customizable interface (fonts & dialog colors & css style sheets)
Advanced update engine: can download source files (or use local source directory) and build databases, download pre-built databases (from rev 157)
Requirements: Windows (All Version)
License: Open Source
Kana to Kanji - Quiz
A free software to learn hiragana, katakana and kanji.
Kana to Kanji - Quiz is a free software to learn Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. However, this software is currently only available in French.
Kanjis are only available with different packs to add. Notice to install inside.
Software Kamus mandarin
- Dr Eye
- Wenlin
- MDBG Chinese Reader
- NJStar Chinese Word Processor
- StudyBase Mandarin HSK
Dr Eye
translate sentences
- Cidian dictionary = Chinese-English dictionary
- HanYu Dictionary
- Hanzi Recognizer
- Dictionary Lookup Tool - a small program designed to help Chinese and Japanese language
- MengDict Chinese Desktop Dictionary
- Zdic is the most popular dictionary manager for PalmOS
Before You Know It
must online to download and install
Dictionary ( Print Version ) / Hard Copy
Kangxi Zidian DictionaryLin Yutang Dictionary
Xiandai Hanyu Cidian ( Contemporary Chinese Dictionary )
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