kamus bahasa daerah

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Negative Prefix

Negative Prefix

a. Attractive : She showed us an attractive appearance.
Unattractive : His presentation is unattractive for us.
b. clear : This water is so clear.
unclear : don’t talk ulnclear!
c. kind : you are a kind boy.
unkind : She is an unkind women.
d. healthy : My father proves healthy.
unhealthy : unhealthy of human can be showed in their body.
c. pleasant : The reporter announce a pleasant news.
unpleasant : My teacher tell something unpleasant.

–dis (productive)
a. advantage : There are many advantages of used computer.
disadvantage : There are so many disadvantages of using electronic dictionary.
b. belief : The factor of making a good relationship is a belief.
disbelief : You make a disbelief.
c. trust : The trust can make our life strong.
distrust : I have a distrust.
d. pleasure : I came a pleasure party last night.
displeasure : He give me a displeasure behavior.
e. like : I like to study an English Grammar.
dislike : I dislike to study an English Grammar.
a. agree : I agree if you leave me anymore
disagree : I disagree if you leave me with a bad attitude that you have given.
b. appear : The sunrise appear on the west.
disappear : I disappear after you hurt me.
c. arm : This is an arm man.
disarm : this is a disarm man.
d. believe : I believe that I can forget about of you in my mind.
disbelieve : I can disbelieve if you tell that this is my fault.
e. obey : I always obey the literature.
disobey : I can disobey this literature.

in, im, ir
a. active : It is an active animal.
inactive : It is an inactive animal.
b. capable : He have a capable.
incapable : He have an incapable.
c. complete : I have completed my homework.
incomplete : I have incompleted my work yet.
d. constant : This is an constant electronic.
inconstant : This is an inconstant electronic.
e. convenient : this is a convenient electronic.
inconvenient : that is an inconvenient electronic.
f. exact : I don’ t study an exact science.
inexact : this is an inexact science that’s I have studied.
g. mature : this is a mature fruit.
immature : you are an immature person.
h. patient : A patient can make our life disciplinary.
impatient : you are an impatient girl.
i. movable : A table is a movable thing.
immovable : This ia an immovable thing.
j. rational : You use your think in a rational.
irrational : the animal use its think with irrational.
k. regular : I took an regular course.
irregular : I took an irregular course.
l. responsible : I’m a responsible girl.
irresponsible : you are irresponsible boy.
m. legal : this is a legal place to stay.
illegal : this is an illegal thing that I have.

a. alcoholic : this is alcoholic perfume.
nonalcoholic : This a nonalcoholic perfume.
b. cooperative : Indonesia can be cooperative with each other.
noncooperatiive : Indonesia is the one of noncooperative world.
c. stop : I’m sure, I can stop loving you from now.
nonstop : My love is nonstop for you.
d. violent : This is a violent ways.
nonviolent : This is a nonviolent street.
e. political : I’m studying in a political science now.
nonpolitical : This is nonpolitical science.

a. perception : I have a same perception with you.
misperception : I should solve misperception with you.
b. conception : Those conception is not wrong.
misconception : misconception can make damaging our group.
c. behave : He behave like an animal
misbehave : he misbehave anymore.
d. inform : She informs about a weather this day.
misinform : I have misinform with my father.
f. understand : I can understand your situation that you must leave me.
misunderstand : I have misunderstand about your work.
g. spell : I can spell your name well.
misspell : I have misspell about this word.
h. lead : you can lead your employee.
mislead : I have mislead with my leader.
i. use : I use my pen to write your name in my letter.
misuse : I get misuse this money.

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