kamus bahasa daerah

Friday, January 8, 2016

How to Writing chinese 2

combine strokes to make complex stroke.
  1. The first group is composed by five strokes with a hook:

钩    gōu / hook stroke
钩    gōu=to hook/to sew/to crochet/hook/check mark or tick/window catch

heng2 gou1

héng gōu 横钩 / horizontal stroke with a hook.
横钩    héng gōu=horizontal stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)
is a horizontal stroke héng with a hook gōu on the end pointing downwards by lifting the brush off to the left.
the character for write which is 写 xiě in mandarin Chinese
字    zì    letter/symbol/character/word.

shu4 gou1

shù gōu 竖钩 / vertical stroke with a hook.
竖钩    shù gōu=vertical stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)
So, the downwards shu stroke is terminated with a flick to the left to form the hook.
characters that use this stroke is 手 shǒu meaning hand.
小    xiǎo    small/tiny/few/young

wan1 gou1

wān gōu 弯钩 stroke / bending stroke with a hook.
wān=to bend/bent/a bend
gōu=to hook/to sew/to crochet/hook/check mark or tick/window catch
The wangou starts top left and curves round to vertical and then ends in a hook.
The character 狗 gǒu for dog uses this stroke in the first part.
The second part of the character is 句 jù meaning sentence as well as being a rough phonetic; taken together the character suggests barking.
了   le   (modal particle intensifying preceding clause), (completed action marker), (indicating a new situation) | Hǎo ∼. It's O.K. now. ②(indicating completed action) | Wǒ zhǐ qǐng∼ yī wèi kèren. I invited only one guest. liǎo v. end; finish; settle; dispose of | Gǎnkuài bǎ zhè jiàn shìr ∼ le. Put an end to this matter quickly.

xie2 gou1

          xié gōu 斜钩 stroke.
斜钩    xié gōu=(downwards-right concave hooked character stroke)
The brush is lifted off quickly to make the hook while still moving right.
The character spear (戈 gē) on the right. the first part of the gē character to be painted.
我   wǒ  I, me

ping2 gou1

píng gōu 平钩 stroke.
平钩    píng gōu    (level bending stroke with a hook.)
It starts at the top straight down and then curves left with a hook at the end.
simplest characters containing it is the 心 xīn heart character.

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