kamus bahasa daerah

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Clothes Vocabulary

English Indonesian Part Of Speech Definition:
glove kaus tangan noun A piece of clothing that covers the hand often for warmth or protection. 
shawl syal noun An article of clothing that is worn around the neck or head. 
pants celana noun A type of clothing that covers the lower part of the body. 
skirt rok noun A type of clothing that fits around the waist and hangs down like a partial dress. 
tie dasi noun A long, narrow strip of clothing worn around the neck. 
coat jas noun An article of clothing worn over other clothes most often for warmth or protection. 
sock kaus kaki noun A piece of clothing that covers the foot often inside a shoe. 
necktie dasi noun A long, narrow strip of clothing worn around the neck. 
sweater baju hangat noun A thick, warm shirt with long sleeves. 
underwear pakaian dalam noun Clothing that is worn between the body and outer clothing. 
hat topi noun Something that is worn on the head. 
bra beha noun A type of underwear that supports a woman's breasts. 
shirt kemeja noun A type of clothing that covers the upper part of the body. 
scarf selendang noun In Indonesian, this word represents a batik garment worn over the shoulder used to carry infants or as a fashion accessory. 
clothes pakaian noun Things that people wear to cover or protect their bodies. 
T-shirt kaus oblong noun A type of short-sleeved shirt made without a high collar. 
zipper ritsleting noun A sliding obj 
belt ikat pinggang noun A thin article of clothing worn around the waist most often used for support. 
jeans jins noun A type of durable pants made from denim. 
shoe sepatu noun Something that is worn to cover or protect the feet. 
dress baju noun A type of clothing that covers the body from the shoulders to the legs. 
jacket jas noun An article of clothing worn over other clothes most often for warmth or protection. 

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