Perbedaan Penggunaan
Collocation Words
Confusing Words
A, An, dan The
have, have got, have to dan have got to
Phrasal verbs: come accross, come apart, come down...
Phrasal verb dengan verb dasar see
Quantifier - Some / Any
Adjective dan pronoun (This, that, these, dan those)
Preposition In, On dan At
There is and There are
Both .... And
Either ... Or / Neither ... Nor
Not Only ... But Also
Some, Few, Any, Several, Various
just, already, atau yet
‘need not’ dibandingkan ‘don’t need’
abbreviation OR acronym?
almost OR most?
bring OR take?
dislike OR unlike?
do OR make?
England OR United Kingdom (UK)?
famous OR infamous?
gross OR net?
hear OR listen?
Iceland OR island OR Ireland?
its OR it's?
lay OR lie?
look OR see OR watch?
loose OR lose?
raise OR rise?
say OR tell?
their OR there OR they're?
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