6 jenis vocabulary
- Word Classes.
- Parts of Speech
- noun
- pronoun
- verb
- adjective
- adverb
- preposition
- conjunction
- Word Families
- roots
- prefixes
- suffixes
- Word Formation
- Compounding: second-hand, word processor, typewriter
- Blending: information + entertainment = infotainment
- Conversion: I always search every information I need. Kata search sebenarnya noun tapi diubah menjadi kata kerja.
- Clipping: electronic mail = email, influenza = flu
- Multi-word Units
- Phrasal Verbs
- Idioms
- Collocations
- Homonyms, homophones, homograph
- meaning and pronunciation.
- The precise meaning in specific contexts
- expression
- conversation
- Learn with pictures, mime / imitation / repetition, real objects as well as from a situation in context.
- practice
- listening
- writing
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