- Pronouns
- Personal Pronouns
- Nominative Subjective
- I, we, you, they, he, she, it
- Objective
- Me, us, you, them, him, her, it.
- Demonstrative Pronouns (Kata Ganti Penunjuk)
- This, that, those, these.
- Possessive Pronouns
- Mine, yours, theirs, ours, his,hers
- Interrogative Pronouns
- who,what, whom, dan which.
- Relative Pronouns
Menggantikan subjek.
Who (orang)
Which, that (benda, binatang) - Menggantikan Objek
whom (orang)
which, that (benda, binatang) - Menggantikan kepunyaan
whose (orang)
of which (benda, binatang)
- Indefinite Pronouns (Kata Ganti Tak Tentu)
- Reflexive Pronouns
- I = myself
- You = yourself (kamu)
- You = yourselves (kalian)
- We = ourselves
- They = themselves
- He = himself
- She = herself
- It = itself
- Intensive Pronouns
- I = myself
- You = yourself (kamu)
- You = yourselves (kalian)
- We = ourselves
- They = themselves
- He = himself
- She = herself
- It = itself
- Reciprocal Pronouns
- Each other = satu sama lain (2orang)
- One another = satu sama lain (lebih dari 2 orang)
kamus bahasa daerah
Thursday, April 30, 2015
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