kamus bahasa daerah

Thursday, April 30, 2015


  1.  Pronouns
    1. Personal Pronouns
      1. Nominative Subjective
        • I, we, you, they, he, she, it
      2. Objective
        • Me, us, you, them, him, her, it.
    2. Demonstrative Pronouns (Kata Ganti Penunjuk)
      • This, that, those, these.
    3. Possessive Pronouns
      • Mine, yours, theirs, ours, his,hers
    4. Interrogative Pronouns
      • who,what, whom, dan which.
    5. Relative Pronouns
      1. Menggantikan subjek.
        Who (orang)
        Which, that (benda, binatang)
      2. Menggantikan Objek
        whom (orang)
        which, that (benda, binatang)
      3. Menggantikan kepunyaan
        whose (orang)
        of which (benda, binatang)
    6. Indefinite Pronouns (Kata Ganti Tak Tentu)
    7. Reflexive Pronouns
      • I = myself
      • You = yourself (kamu)
      • You = yourselves (kalian)
      • We = ourselves
      • They = themselves
      • He = himself
      • She = herself
      • It = itself
    8. Intensive Pronouns
      • I = myself
      • You = yourself (kamu)
      • You = yourselves (kalian)
      • We = ourselves
      • They = themselves
      • He = himself
      • She = herself
      • It = itself
    9. Reciprocal Pronouns
      • Each other = satu sama lain (2orang)
      • One another = satu sama lain (lebih dari 2 orang)

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